Jun 30, 2014

Endziel: Operation Chronos - Silent Puppets Wave 2, The war within

Mutiny is the least I could expect in the war of Leboux. Ze Mongoose is one of those Axis groups hungry for territory, if it's in their way, they'll take it. I care less about taking territories on Leboux for now, All I need was to set camp and proceed with my test subjects, after that taking Leboux will be easy.

But Ze Mongoose do not care about alliance. They are already at the front doors and looks like knocking wont be their case. I would say this would be my fault. We have just taken an Allied territory and we are just recovering from our losses. Patient Zero is on lockdown, as further using her would be too much of a risk for now. We have no choice but to use Patient X.

"Are you sure sir?" One of my scientist waiting for my confirmation as he know the risk of using Patient X. He is a failed experiment after all. Nevertheless we have no choice, I will not just stand here and let these bastards take what is mine.

The battle began as soon as we expect it. We are losing units, but they are too. It seems that Axis knows Axis' weakness afterall. Patient X surprisingly did a good job, however being the unstable failed experiment that he is, he can only take too much. The attrition is too much for us to take as we need resources If we are to succeed in Leboux. They came in more prepared, so we have to retreat for now to our underground laboratory hidden beneath Leboux, bringing everything we could salvage including Patient X and Patient Zero.

We will wait for now. We might have lost the battle today, but this day could never be forgotten.

Game 2:
vs Vaughn's Ze Mongoose
Format: Dust Tactics V2
Mission: Scenario 3: Bait and Flank
AP: 100 pts
Status: Battle lost, Location lost
Locations held: 0
Special Bonus: none

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