Jul 30, 2013

Official Dust Events Coming Up!

It its official!

We are now Post 52 under the Philippine Front. All our Dust events, Tactics and/or Warfare will be sanctioned by Dust Devils International, the organizing body for all events under Paolo Parente's Dust universe.


Me: Bro, tuloy warfare natin sa sabado? (Bro, are we cool this Saturday?)

Dax: Yup. Sa umaga tayo.(Yup. In the morning.)

Those were our exchange of text messages, scheduling our long overdue Dust Warfare game. Due to some errands and other obligations (yep, our hobby remains a hobby to us), I arrived at the shop a few minutes over lunch time.

Jul 29, 2013


July 20th, Saturday - We’re back to our FLGS, Neutral Grounds Glorietta branch. After a couple hours of nap time and attending to a few husband-daddy duties at home, I arrived at the shop around lunch time.


My good friend Vic was looking to get his Dust fix for not being able to play for 2 consecutive weeks now. Due to venue changes, his originally scheduled battle did not push through. Wanting to try my newly built ‘Elite Platoon’, I obliged to take him on.


Last Saturday, June 29th, me and papa Dax were able to do some Balikatan exercise and field 300 points each of Allies' goodies. Not to mention while sporting the custom map commissioned by papa George and Dax’ custom Turn counter cards!

Welcome to Makati Underground's Blog

Hi, this is Raven of Makati underground and welcome to our very own blog. Here you can find battle reports, painting guides, comic strips (soon, or even a short novel), anything related to tabletop gaming. The blog itself is currently in testing stage so you might experience a few broken link here and there, but the overall blog is 90% functional. If you want to showcase your army or a certain game that you had recently, in any game system that you play, you can take a picture of it and and send it to ravenkrus@gmail.com together with the description and we will feature it for you. Makati Underground is a tabletop community which frequents in Neutral Grounds Glorietta 2 Makati City, PH. Gaming sessions are every saturdays 10:00 am to 9:00 pm.