Sep 26, 2016

Shooting Blanks

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. - Murphy's Law”

We had the opportunity to try out the V3 rules using the newly released cards. This time, the group agreed to hold a team vs. team format where each group will use 200 pts and each player in the 4 player team shall field 50 pts.

May 24, 2016


Slowly, he trudged along, his once sturdy legs now replaced by mechanical limbs.  Each step producing that familiar screech of grinding gears and clank of steel stepping on dirt and cement. He was flanked by two comrades just like him and their group was just one of three squads in formation, watching his group’s sides as they move from house to house to clear the remaining Allied Rangers garrisoned in this village.

Feb 15, 2016

To Breach the Stormwall

They’ve been holding this small town for the past few weeks, a once unremarkable trading crossraods now reduced to rubble. It’s elevated terrain and commanding view of the nearby bridge making it an ideal spot for mounting a defensive line, a perfect spot to place the Stormwall. For many days, the Axis forces in the area tried to breach the entrenched SSU lines to no avail, all their attempts to advance were met with bullets and Tesla fire.
Intel reports that the Axis is again about to make another push at the Stormwall. This latest wave is composed of elements from the dreaded “Xevero” group supported by two heavy walkers. To make matters worse, reports came in that SSU choppers were felled near the Stormwall lines and these choppers were carrying communication codes to be used in the war effort. These codes must be retrieved.